Lorenzo Bernini is a 3D Artist and Visual Designer from Italy.
is passionate about storytelling and his approach often focuses on building narratives
through different types of visual media.
MA Communication Design, Politecnico di Milano
BA Communication Design, Politecnico di Milano
Fictional Brands Archive
It's Nice That
The Brand Identity
Brand New
DEMO Festival
Triennale Milano
Your Inner Insect
Your Inner Insect
investigates the theme of metamorphosis through the eyes of Franz Kafka. In his book
The Metamorphosis (1916) the author links complex psychological conditions, to an
insect (a cockroach).
The website consists of a
guided experience where users can explore their social insecurities by answering some
questions through different types of interactions. Each question is associated with a
different insect's body part. By answering each question the user will be assigned
different types of insect's body parts according to the answer selected. At the end of the
test, all the body parts combined will give shape to a new kind of insect, your inner